Harry Fahringer

My collection of logs pertaining to learning and code.

GitHub CLI: Managing Pull Requests

20 Jun 2022 » git, github-cli, instructional

As I try to move away from GUI’s and more into a text-based environment, I find myself coming to points where I need to stop and branch out my knowledge.

Currently when I’m finished with a feature or project, I need to rely on GitHub’s GUI for manipulating and managing my pull requests.

I’ve been fine with managing my code base this way until now and although the GitHub CLI can be a bit intimidating, it looks like a powerful tool and I’m excited to learn it.

The following responses are color-coded:

  • Open
  • Merged
  • Deleted

List all open pull requests

gh pr list

To view all pull requests (past and present)

gh pr list --state "all"

# or shortened

gh pr list -s "all"

List assigned pull requests by user

gh pr list --assignee 'harryrf3'

Check pull request status

gh pr status

# responses -
#  Current branch
#  Created by you
#  Requesting a code review from you

List closed pull requests

gh pr list --state 'closed'

# shortened

gh pr list -s 'closed'

List labeled pull requests

gh pr list --label 'bug'

# shortened

gh pr list -l 'bug'

Open pull requests from command line

# reference pr by number, branch, or url

gh pr view '3'

Create pull request for current branch

gh pr create -t 'PR_TITLE' -b 'PR_DESC_BODY'

Create pull request from browser

# when running into issues with the cli

gh pr create --web

Checkout branch for pull request

# checks out branch pull request is on

gh pr checkout 'PR_#'

Command line aliases for command line pull requests management

# list pull requests under 'bug' label

alias listprs='gh pr list --label "bug"'

# list pull requests that are assigned to me

alias listmyprs='gh pr list -a "harryrf3"'

Lastly, if you own or are a core contributor for a repository, you can merge your own pull requests.

Merge a pull request

gh pr merge 'PR_#'

# Responses:
#   What merge method...? Create a merge commit
#   Delete the branch...? Yes
#   What's next? Submit

# append with --admin flag if merge is refused


goobar - Use GitHub CLI For Command Line Pull Request Management

$ gh pr –help

rietta.com - What’s the Difference Between the 3 Github Merge Methods?